Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Yesterday when i was walking to the parking lot from my office, suddently it comes to my thought that "How I Wish .... ". So do you want to know what is the wishes...

They are :

"How i wish i can be as positively as Fara for she always say YES to whatever task given to her with smiling and positive face"

"How i wish i can be as tough as Ellyn for she always redah je whatever hurdle come in her path and she manage to outcast it"

"How i wish i can be as selambe dek as Mauze for she always stay cool to whatever people comments on her"

I think i really need all this criteria to help me stay in my current working environment .... hahaaahah ..

Ladies ... any comments ..


Fara said...

ish ish ish ... always yes tuh, idak ler bagus .. ada gak negative tuh .. last2 jd burden .. or, mcm x de pendirian jek ... ermmm ..

btw, sumer org pon ada weakness n strength sendiri2 ... sama2 la kita improve to be a better person yach!

Unknown said...

kak mus,

tabahkan hati and be positive k... ;)

ellyn said...

yeah....think positive tu yg penting. If other people can make it why cant....u, me...n da rest.

Learn from mistakes. It is most important thing to improve our life.


hmmm .. u jgn le masukkan criteria i dlm diri u tuh.. x bagus tuh.. yg lain2 ada benatnya..