Friday, July 08, 2011

Lunch Date

Owhh hari ni hari Jumaat. Hehe best gak minggu ni kejap jek dah ari jumaat. One of the contributing factors yg i think make me feel cepat sgt hari berlalu mb becoz the CAT is not around. So cam leisure jek even tho melambak sbnrnya keje yg ada. No kisah laa .. yg penting i can have a lil bit of pleasure in doing my work. And i can see that i can complete the work better than if am on the stress mode.

Ari Selasa lepas i had a lunch date with Fara, my ex-colleague kat PNC dulu. Lama dah tak jumpa sebab for the pass 2 lunch date yg dorang set tuh i cannot attend due to works load. Yeaaaa due to work load and due to that oso i have to postpone my medical check for 3 months. So thins time even tho tak sempat nak schedule ngan the other 2 members, tak pe laa. Jumpa fara sorang pun ok dah. At least i can meet my fren, get fresh news, fresh air and the most important thing can fresh my mind yg serabut nih.

Ari ni pun sekali lagi dating ngan Fara but this time the event was initiate by Didie ... my current and ex-colleague .. hehe.. why current and ex sekaligus .. bcoz sekarang dia keje satu department n satu company ngan my current employer. why ex .. sebab dulu dia keje ngan my ex-employer. So jadik dua2 laa kan .. hehee.. peace Di.

To elin n mauze ... sori ekk tak dan lagik nak dating ngan korang berdua. Hmm let me see when can i schedule the dating date. Sbb dorg ni especially elin aarr .. cam ngajuk jek dah sbb tiap kali set lunch date, i cannot make it .. hehehe really sorry laaa dear cik puan besar asst manager ELIN .. next time k.

1 comment:

ellyn said...

ooo...sampai hati...kecik ati i tau