Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Izinkan Ku Pergi

Saje amik title tuh tapi lirik lagu Kaer tuh tak satu pun sangkut ngan situasi yg aku alami skrg nih. Tinggal beberapa hari saje lagi aku akan berada di sini. Ermmm maksud aku bukan lah hari2 terakhir di blog nih tapi hari2 terakhir di syarikat dimana aku sedang bekerja pada dan waktu ini. Lepas je aku submit tender ari tuh terusss jek zassssssss .... hilang segala kudrat rasa nak buat keje. Bukan ler kata aku tak sabau nak start keje kat tmpt baru, nak kata tak sabau nak tinggalkan tempat sekarang nih pun takde laa sesangatnye. Cumanya terus jek takde rasa nak buat keje gitu ... bulehhh gitewww ...

Aku plan mang aku nak buat proper handover to those yg akan memikul package tugas yg aku ada skrg nih tapi last2 satu happer pun tak jadik. Aku tak leh pikir, really .. mang tak leh nak pikir cemana nak buat. Cam kepala aku dah kena virus abis sumer blank ... seblank yg blank laaa ..

So dari sehari ke sehari aku datang keje for the sake of datang keje. Datang keje... then balik keje. Actually kekadang tuh aku terpikir gak (nih time aku tak blank laa .. or maybe kepala aku blank on bab2 keje jer kot ) agaknya lepas kejadian yg aku ada letak kat entry bawah tuh, CPU kat kepala aku tetiba jek terus reformat and letak program baru which is ... tak yah buat apa2, dah org tak appreciate nko so just come to work and when the time comes you go back home. Hmmm dasat gak CPU kepala aku nih, buat program yg overwrite sumer program2 yg ada selama bertahun dlm otak nih. (hahahaha alasan jek tuh ... )

Tapi truthfully speaking laa .. mang aku kesian ngan org2 sekeliling yg keje kuat, kena stayback nak siapkan keje, dan the person yg kena takeover keje2 aku tuh. Tapi nya ntah kenapa tetiba aku jadik sekejam nih. Buat dunno jek. Mang langsung tak mengofferkan diri utk menolong. Aku pun pelik kenapa jadik camtu, cos that is not me pun sebelum nih. Huaaargggggggghhhh naper aku jadik cenggini. Kuat betul penangan angin ribut tender aku nih rupernya.

So aku betul2 nak mintak maaf laa pada those yg kena tempias ribut tender aku nih (w/pun aku tau dorg tak baca punya entry kat blog aku nih.. hahaha). Ada 3 hari lagi untuk aku buat aktiviti datang dan balik keje nih. Aku harap aku tak de laa menyusahkan dorg sesangat. Tapi kalau pun menyusahkan, well apa2 pun they have to do it.

My time here is near the exit corner already. For 7 years i've been loyal to this company and it came to my mind once that i will sign my retirement in this company. But time change and life also change and there are wind of change coming towards me and bring me along with it. I cannot resist this wind so i follow it to the new place it put me. I do hope my current colleague the very best of luck for their work here and in their lives also.

To my dearest frens (and maybe foes) i will always remember the time we spend together. The good and bad things that appear during those time together. Those are really precious things to me. (Haaaa .. rasa nak nangis nih). Life goes on my frens, eventhough i'm not here anymore, we still can set time to meet each others. (Especially geng satu tag tuh kan .. u know who u are). Hope you wont forget me.

Till then bye ols.


Anonymous said...

adus sedey i bila u nak pegi.. tp as u said life must goes on.. if there is a better opportunity, just grab it.. and don't let it go.. hope to see u to be a better person..

actually ada byk gak i nak ckp, tp biasale i ni nak mengarang fail sikit.. x pandai nak menyusun ayat..

good luck n wish u all the best in your career..

Anonymous said...

sob sob sob..sambil lap air mata
mm moga tempat baru, cuaca baru semua baru bikin mm lagi semangat nak keja... all the best
iv pray along ur way.. muach

Anonymous said...

all the best -pawaka